After all, who is this person who is seen on every social media platform. Let us know about him. Which is very much discussed on social media these days.

Let us tell you how a kickboxer became a world champion and a millionaire. Today He live life like multi millionaires.

And you must have heard his famous dialogue too.

What color is your Buggati???

His name is Andrew Tate.

He was born in 1986 in Washington DC.

His father's name is Emory Tate.

His brother's name is Tristan Tate.

His father was a retired African American wrestler. After his retirement, he used to play chess professionally to earn his living. Andrew also became interested in chess after seeing his father. While playing chess, he became a master in it, then he won the Indiana State Chess Championship at the age of 15.

Everything was going well but after a few days his parents get divorced and a few months after the divorce his father also passes away. Because of which he went into depression.

Andrew Tate has to shift to England with his brother and mother. Settling in New England, they face financial crunch.

They have to live in a small flat there and whatever their mother used to earn was spent on household expenses.

Andrew also had a lot of depression, what he needed the most at that time was his father, who was no longer in this world and was not interested in chess in England, due to which there was a lot of trouble in his professional and personal life. Seeing him, he joined kickboxing to get rid of his anger and depression, so that he gets out of his anger and depression by fighting with others, but on seeing him, he starts enjoying kickboxing, then he started training at the age of 16. Let's start, then at the age of 18, he fights his first MMA FIGHT. As his career grows, money also starts coming to him.

Life second time comes on the track , he used to get 60 lakh rupees for a fight and he had become world champion in kickboxing 4 times, at that time every person knew him, but once fighting a fight, he broke his hand bone, which can be seen By doing this they think that I fight for my life and earn only a few bucks in kickboxing where on the other hand May Weather was earning several million dollars just from boxing.

And Andrew was earning only a few lakh rupees and out of which he had to pay some percent to his manager, promoter and rent. He used to spend 10 hours a day training and risking his life for just a few rupees, then he thought of becoming a 4-time world champion, when he could not even buy a Buggati with that money, then at the age of 28, he switched to kickboxing. Takes retirement. And then he sits in his room the whole day on his laptop and sees how to earn money, how money works. When he was writing his Asset and Liabilities, he had only one thing in his Asset, that was his 6 girlfriends. Then he thought that I will bring him a webcam from which he will earn money, then he called all his girlfriends to his house, then told this plan, only two girls agreed, then it was his first business, in which these girls talk to boys and get maximum money out of them. Andrew Tate will keep 50% of it and the girls will keep it and 50% will be very easy to listen to, but there was a lot of trouble in this also that some girls did not know how to withdraw money from the boys, then many times Andrew Tate himself used to talk to the boys as a girl. But the boys thought that the girl was talking, she just had to get maximum money out of those boys. Within no time, he had employed 75 girls. Life was going smoothly. And he had taken 4-5 bungalows and new vehicles in England, then one night at 3 o'clock the police was at his gate, he was accused of misbehaving with a girl, due to which he had to go to jail.

After a few months, he comes out of jail, then he again becomes a roadpati from a millionaire, no business, no money and many police cases, due to which he shifts to Romania, then he becomes a commentator in a UFC club, where he one day Saw that there was a promotion of a casino.

And that casino happens to be of 3 brothers who used to run more than 400 casinos all over Europe, from which they used to earn 18 million dollars a day, then Andrew Tate's eye shines again, then he talks to those brothers that I want my company. If I make him a partner, he refuses because Andrew had nothing, so he refuses, but Andrew told his plan and took the franchise of the casino from those brothers.

Then they open a casino in front of their competitors, so that those brothers did not have any problem, first thing, Andrew Tait himself was taking care of the casino in front of him, and second thing, he was fighting with the competitors of those brothers, and the third thing, which benefited him. Arrah was coming from the casino, so some of it was being received by those brothers as well, due to which those brothers were also saying something. On one side was Andrew Tate's casino and on the other side was the competitor's casino and between these two there was Starbucks, outside of which There used to be a line of customers and seeing this, Andrew Tate gives free coffee in his casino and keeps a beautiful girl to give that coffee. If they start going for coffee, then gradually they become customers of Starbucks, Andrew's customers, then seeing this, all three brothers become happy and make Andrew their partner, after that they start living their luxurious life. Now he had many bungalows, 14-15 super cars, he could not even imagine how much money he had, then everything was going well. Everything was fine till 2020. Corona comes in 2020 due to which their casinos are closed and all the business becomes zero.

Then he starts a new business which is a social influencer. The idea was very simple, he wanted to sell the course. it was only three ways

First of all how do we earn money online.

Others used to show their luxurious life and say that you also want to live life like me, then take my course.

And the third way was very different that those who were their customers are their salesmen, they were running affiliate marketing in their course, as if you sell their course to someone else, you will get 50% profit and 50% will be given to Andrew Tait and there were three ways to do it too

First make his fan page account on any social media app.

Post another Andrew Tate video.

Thirdly, put the link of that affiliate in your post by which it will be promoted and not only Andrew Tate is getting 50% commission because of this, but he is also getting world wide popularity, now even if nothing happens, he is getting crores of rupees a month. Was earning $.

We get to learn from his story that how you earn money is very important.

And other never accept the defeat.

      Thank you

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